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SERVER IP: games.kawansecuan.id:7777 ×

[READ THIS] Status Definitions


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1. Pending (Ditunda):

  • Explain : We have not yet reviewed the suggestions.


2. Under Review (Sedang Ditinjau):

  •  Explain: The "Under Review" status indicates that the submitted suggestion or feature is currently being evaluated by the server's admin or development team. This means that the suggestion is being considered for implementation.


3. Accepted (Diterima): 

  • Explain: "Accepted" means that the submitted suggestion or feature has passed the review process and will be implemented on the server. This confirms that the suggestion has been approved and will be part of the roleplay experience.


4. Rejected (Ditolak):

  • Explain: "Rejected" is the status given when a submitted suggestion or feature does not meet the requirements or align with the server's vision or policies. This means that the suggestion will not be implemented.
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